Sadly we would never know whether the jab caused or not caused his death. What would happen if most people knew and cared about the enormous harm caused when racism, sexism, and the mistreatment of children cause victims to live with the fear and stress these abominations cause? Based on the ACE (, We will probably never know if the mistreatment Hank Aaron suffered at the hands of racists hastened his death. Why are so many children dying in Erie County? Legendary Atlanta Brave and Major League Baseball record holder Hank Aaron died Friday at the age of 86. In this article the cause of Aaron’s death was not given, it was merely insinuated that the vaccine was the cause. Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron, former U.N. Sadly, the last lesson we learned from this amazing man is that the COVID-19 vaccine is NOT safe, reminding us of the fact that the CDC and US Public Health Service (USPHS) are known liars. As of January 15th, according to the federal “Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System” (VAERS) database, 181 people in the USA had died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. I don’t believe Fauci got the real shot. Hank Aaron quotes. On January 22, he died, no cause of death indicated at the time. I appreciate the work you do! He FEINED symptoms so no one else will be afraid of the symptons… Its just NORMAL. Did you know that on Opening Day 1974 in Cincinnati, Aaron tried to commemorate Dr. King on the field with a moment of silence? Feb. 5, 1934: Aaron born in Mobile, Ala. Henry Louis Aaron was one of eight children (including his brother, Tommie, who would later become his big league teammate) in a family that straddled the … These unfair threats and attacks forced Hank Aaron to live with increased fear and stress. over 200 of these human “guinea pigs” were, who says he is on board with Biden’s $1,400 stimulus check, Individual Rights and Freedoms Under Siege in Era of COVID, How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines. I personally don’t feel like giving them 1 week, or 1 month, or 3 months, or 6 months, or 4 years, or however long they go up to on the next goround for how long it is going to take. I don’t have any qualms about it at all, you know. Hank Aaron got his COVID vaccine shot on Tuesday — and he did it in front of cameras in the hopes of inspiring other Black Americans to follow his lead. I have been following you for almost seven years probably. Hank Aaron Family. So looking forward to this time soon. There are real American heroes. “No one gets a free pass on this one. I feel quite proud of myself for doing something like this, you know. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. Also, I have never trusted that Covid19 is a natural virus as it just doesn’t make sense to me that a virus would move around the globe as fast as it has IF it was a natural phenomenon! But what does your gut tell you? However here the government says if you get sick with Covid and refused the vaccine I will have to pay for any treatment given or they may refuse treatment. He was the … Right on Dennis and Connie…! Civil rights activist Andrew Young and others also received the vaccine. He should have been the first unanimous electee to the Baseball Hall of Famer but nine voters – nine! I am keeping everyone in my prayers hoping we all make decisions that feel good to us not based on what others think we “should” do. Iconic baseball legend Hank Aaron had no reported signs of ill health when vaccinated for seasonal flu-renamed covid on January 5. This consequence is routinely faced in our racist society by blacks and other people of color. In the meantime If I cannot travel so be it. From soap actors to reality TV stars, fans around the world have mourned the … & she wants me to have a TDaP or DTaP. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. Pardon my cynicism, but these people who are desperately trying to vaccinate the world are not to be trusted at any level. I was at a party a couple of years ago, and I happened to say something about how vaccines can be dangerous. There is no room for politics in public health and your organization should be careful not to try to sway public opinion based on the political beliefs of anyone in it. Aaron also was selected for the All-Star Game 21 consecutive years — every season but his first and his last. Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on research conducted by TTAV Global, LLC, unless otherwise noted. How’s that fir fact checking? Hank Aaron cause of death. The tributes and stories about Hank Aaron will talk about his life, his great success as a baseball player, and the honor and dignity with which he lived his life. He suffered many unfair attacks and threats, mostly because he was black, but remained a caring, ethical and compassionate man. 31 Responses to COVID Vaccine Kills Hank Aaron. But overall the public is served better knowing this, such that if more associations become evident in the future, we can reasonably assume, this injections may be causing this ? On Jan. 5, Hank Aaron, the legendary home run hitter, posted on Twitter that he had been vaccinated for the coronavirus at the Morehouse School of … Did Vaxxing for Covid Kill Hank Aaron? And you can BET if there were an autopsy (there may have been) that if the death was caused by vaccine they would NOT let it out. I agree Please let’s be fully transparent re the vaccine We are all desperate for truth. This consequence is routinely faced in our racist society by blacks and other people of color. Hank Aaron age. Stress causes and exacerbates harmful diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, auto-immune diseases, and mental illness. I’ve been blessed to have one as a friend for more than a half century. It’s just a small thing that can help zillions of people in this country.”. In fact, a Pew study published in December showed that only 42% of black Americans are willing to take the poisonous Wuhan needle. High Dose Vitamin C and D&K . TTAV Global, LLC All Rights Reserved. I agree, Cherie. Andrew Kaufman, Andy Wakefield, Judy Mikovitz, and Del Bigtree, Rash id Buttar, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr…on and on! He suffered many unfair attacks and threats, mostly because he was black, but remained a caring, ethical and compassionate man. New facts surrounding Hank Aaron's death. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. What happened in Tuskegee? I don’t want to a part of anyone coming after you. The fact that people are dying and it’s not being reported to the public like they’re reporting Covid cases and Covid deaths putting pressure on a rush to be a willing guinea pig says a lot to me. Hank Aaron, who endured racist threats with stoic dignity during his pursuit of Babe Ruth's home run record and gracefully left his mark as one of baseball's greatest all-around players, died Friday. They don’t want more “vaccine hesitancy” than they already have, right? Did they ALL have co-morbidity? While “going yard” became his signature accomplishment, Aaron was a multi-dimensional star. Better future to come. So we brought together more than 60 of the world's foremost health experts to investigate both sides of this contentious debate to give you the science, the history, and the untold story... the REAL information you need to make an informed decision on how to best protect your child. Hi Cherie, I agree with you, but I also do not believe that all the deaths that are reported as covid being the cause are truly covid. Aaron, the 86-year-old Hall of Famer and longtime Atlanta Braves right fielder, did not die from his first COVID-19 vaccine dose. Goodbye AARP you will no longer be a part of my life. Jan 22, 2021 at 9:22 PM. Iconic baseball legend Hank Aaron had no reported signs of ill health when vaccinated for seasonal flu-renamed covid on January 5. He was National League MVP in 1957, when the Milwaukee Braves beat the New York Yankees in seven games to give Aaron the only World Series title of his career. They say aspartame is a safe artificial sweeteners. WAKE UP FOOLS!!! I’m afraid for you. You need to put all facts, not just part of them. You just said that the COVID jab is producing NINE TIMES more severe reactions than the flu vaccine, but we’re supposed to believe it’s “safe”? He divorced Barbara in 1971. The fear however, is, they may make this mandatory for travel and other necessities. We have all been burned by our country. Yet, when talking about the true measure of the man, there was far more to “Hammerin’ Hank” than his brilliance between the lines. The Evidence: The Roman Catholic Church Protects Priests That Abuse Children, Tell Senator Joe Scarnati To Protect PA kids. Thanks again for an interesting read about Hank. He began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. Hank Aaron quotes. Then, in a later interview, he was asked how he feels and he said he only had a sore arm. Amazing work! Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of four wonderful children, devoted Christian, best-selling author, medical researcher, talk radio host, health freedom advocate, former competitive bodybuilder, and also a certified public accountant.After losing several family members to cancer (including his mother and father), Ty refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. Born Feb. 5, 1934 in Mobile, Alabama, “Hammerin’ Hank” reached the majors at age 20, when he hit .280 with 13 home runs. No details on Hank Aaron health or his cause of death were disclosed. I am do grateful to know that our Creator will soon put an end to this system and to the First Liar and to every other liar around. I know there have been 23 elderly people who died right after the experimental vaccine for the Wuhan virus in Norway which has prompted Norway to rethink its recommendations for who gets this experimental vaccine. I had to weigh the risk of death from covid 19 vaccines against the high risk i have if I got covid. by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman. Stay well and stay safe. We all mostly have dormant retroviruses; as Dr. Judy Mikovits said … “The introduction of a vaccine could activate these retroviruses”…and this could turn out to be the biggest tragedy, even bigger than covid-19 !!! RIP Hank Aaron. I first discovered “The truth about Cancer” in 2011 when I had throat cancer that was caused by a strain of the HPV virus called P16, the same one that causes cervical cancer in women. Some say he had “heart disease” someone else under anonymity said he had a “stroke”. Do you truly trust that people like Fauci and Biden shown receiving the vaccine jab are actually receiving the Corona vaccine and not a “pretend” vaccine? "I don't have any qualms about it at all, you know," Aaron said. Hank Aaron dispute over will. This is the first and foremost scam. Hank Aaron died. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. There is no proof at this time whether the shot caused his death, but there sure are a lot of “coincidental” post-vaccination deaths recently. Hopefully after seeing Aaron die and connecting the dots, many more will say “NO” to this toxic cocktail. Dr. Vincent Felitti, the lead author of the original ACE Study, said that prevention is the best use for his research. And get this! On Jan. 5, Hank Aaron, the legendary home run hitter, posted on Twitter that he had been vaccinated for the coronavirus at the Morehouse School of … Many people believe he remains the rightful owner of this record because his 755 home runs were eclipsed by someone who likely cheated with steroids to break Hank’s record. I’ve looked on the CDC site, but can find nothing there although I know it was there last yr. Can you, or anyone, tell me where I can find the ingredients of vaccines? They’re brainwashed… Unbelievable! Turn off the Boob Tube, watch DRS. Apparently, he thought it was his duty to get this, and made a PR show of it or was talked into it. When he was about to break Babe Ruth’s home run record, he was getting 3000 letters a day, and many included threats and disgusting attacks from the worst racists. Did Hank Aaron Die From COVID-19 Vaccination? Dead at 86. Never ceases to amaze me why some folks won’t believe what dedicated, knowledgeable researchers with no axe to grind share with others their wisdom, recommendations and proven research yet will swallow hook line and sinker any garbage the pharmaceutical industry and their pawns spew. Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron, the Baseball Hall of Famer who broke Babe Ruth's all-time home run record in the face of racism and went on to become … Henry Aaron died on Friday morning, but the story of his life is already at risk. Guess I'm about to be unemployed. The Truth About Vaccines is brought to you by TTAV Global, LLC. Most people are unaware of the ACE Research. The 2 women I was talking to looked at me like I had 2 heads, and they very slowly got up, said “Nice meeting you.” And they gingerly slunk away. However, he may have become infected by someone also getting the vaccine the same day or even just prior. The 86-year-old Hall of Famer masked up and went to the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta along with his wife Billye to receive the first of two doses of the Moderna vaccine. Hank Aaron was rightly admired for his work to stop racism. What we have been burned by are our Legislative and Judicial parts of our government who advocate and applaud election fraud. Thanks for any help you can give! Starting in 1932, over 600 black men from Macon County, Alabama (just a few hours north of Mobile, where Hammerin’ Hank Aaron was born) were enlisted to partake in a scientific “experiment” on syphilis. Today, tributes for Hank came from celebrities and unknown people from all walks of life. Hank Aaron was a great baseball player and a better person. What are Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)? Hank Aaron Children. He had five children: Gary, Lary, Dorinda, Gaie, and Hank Jr., from his first marriage to Barbara Lucas, and one child, Ceci, from his second marriage to Billye Suber Williams. Based on the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fear and stress are also the most significant risks for children exposed to domestic violence, child abuse, and other ACEs. He was 86. I feel like I’ve been burned by “conspiracy theory” stories with the whole President Trump thing and just don’t know what what is really true. January 23, 2021 The vaccine needle is a deadly weapon, as proven by those who suffer sudden death or near sudden death as a result of being injected. Hank Aaron's cause of death 'natural,' medical examiner says An investigator with the office confirmed the news with 11Alive on Monday. Truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Judges are among the people unfamiliar with ACEs the covid vaccine ' medical Examiner released the cause research purchasing! Toxic cocktail Aaron Craze is currently single, according to an Aaron insider. Me sound off, that ’ s spread Crow era and had to deal with many blatant racists he,... 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