These cobras can adapt to a wide array of habitats. The largest captured cobra specimen was 5.85 m (2 ft) long and weighed 9 kg (20 lb) With one cobra bite, it can kill an adult elephant (death occurs after 3 hours) Cobra is a great swimmer and climbs trees. When disturbed they prefer to take flight. The incubation period lasts around 55 to 73 days and during this time the females usually stay with the eggs. The monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia) is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. Coloration in the young is more constant. May occur in eastern Myanmar but no records are known. Reaching a length of up two metres the reptile preys on the rodents, amphibians and reptiles of Southeast Asia. The monocled cobra has an O-shaped, or monocellate hood pattern, unlike that of the Indian cobra which has the "spectacle" pattern on the rear of its hood. Kings can (and have) supposedly killed elephants with a good bite. The cobra is leucistic, meaning she is mostly white rather than the … Monocled cobras are terrestrial creatures. The monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia), also called monocellate cobra, is a cobra species, which is widespread across South and South East Asia and listed as Least Concern by IUCN. Monocled cobras are distributed from India in the west through to China, Vietnam and Cambodia. Download this stock image: Monocled cobra, Naja kouthia, monocellate cobra, - 2A971MD from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Females lay 16 to 33 eggs per clutch. These cobras can adapt to a range of habitats, from natural to anthropogenically impacted environments. In terms of at-risk animals, the monocled cobra is classified on the IUCN Red List as ‘least concern’, meaning that it is not currently an at-risk animal. The power of the King Cobra is in the volume of venom it can inject in one bite – maximum around 7 ml! Habitat/behaviour: Naja kaouthia is a ground dwelling snake in the flat country, which can however climb and swim very well. Monocled cobra typical O-shaped or monocellate hood pattern, Taipans The Most Venomous Snakes in the World, The monocled cobra gets it common name from the O-shaped, or monocellate hood pattern present on the rear of its hood. Monocled cobras are distributed from India in the west through to China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Cobra Cobra – interesting facts. Article: Captive Care and Breeding of the Monocle - "I have heard of Monocles well into their 20’s that are still breeding. Prefers habitat associated with water. Monocled cobra. Monocled cobras exhibit biogeographical variation between their venoms, and it has been documented that different toxicities exist between Malaysian, Thailand and Vietnam monocled cobras. What is … Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List but its numbers today are decreasing. They are also found on the Malay Peninsula and are native to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and Thailand. Species similar to or like Monocled cobra. Monocled cobras are distributed from India in the west through to China, Vietnam and Cambodia. Habitat: urban. The snake can be … They can be olivaceous or brownish to black above with or without a yellow or orange-colored, O-shaped mark on the hood. The monocled cobra is equally at home in a wide variety of places: forest and shrub areas, as well as plantations, rice fields, pastures, villages and cities. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Monocled cobra is a highly venomous snake with neurotoxins and the full grown specimen rescued here can kill an adult human within an hour. The dorsal surface may be yellow, brown, gray, or blackish, with or without ragged or clearly defined cross bands. Its venomous teeth reach 1.5 cm in length. They are also found on the Malay Peninsula and are native to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and Thailand. They are also found on the Malay Peninsula and are native to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and Thailand. The elongated nuchal ribs enable a cobra to expand the anterior of the neck into a “hood”. It is found in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. They can be found in large portions of Western India, all thru Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and Thailand into Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam and some populations in the Southern part of China. They also have a pair of fixed anterior fangs. Head raised. Oct 23, 2014 - Explore lavera's board "Monocled Cobra" on Pinterest. In vivo, increases heart rate or kills the animal by cardiac arrest. 2. Habitat: Both flat and hilly regions. Monocled cobras are beautiful snakes that are widespread across South and Southeast Asia. The monocled cobra has an O-shaped, or monocellate hood pattern, unlike that of the Indian cobra which has the "spectacle" pattern (2 circular ocelli connected by a curved line) on the rear of its hood. Very toxic, but monocled cobras (Naja kaouthia) and kraits (genus Bungarus) are more potent on the LD50 scale. 9. Populations have declined substantially due to severe hunting, local insurgency, and industrial exploitation of habitat. MONOCLED COBRA FACTS: 1-The monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia) is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. Ignoring this warning could prove fatal as their bite has a toxic venom. Body is brown, reddish-brown, greyish-brown, or… The large monocled cobra hunts for rats, fish, and other snakes in the woodlands, swamps, and paddy (rice) fields of central and southern Asia. It is alert and dangerous at all times. Monocled Cobra ( Naja kaouthia) Size: 1.5m: Habit & Habitat: Found almost everywhere, it prefers old masonary construction, ant nests, holes in the ground or tangle of roots at the base of a tree. Monocled Cobra is a species of Cobra found in many south-east Asian countries. Natural range and habitat: The Monocled cobra probably has one of the widest natural ranges of all cobra species (which is the reason of their wide range of appearances). Notes: I spotted this snake charmer along the Ghats in Varanasi. MONOCLED COBRA-Naja naja. In rice-growing areas, they hide in rodentburrows in the dykes between fields and have become semi-aquatic in this type of habitat. The cobra coils its body into a spiral, ready to spring forward and attack. They have a black spot on the lower surface of the hood on either side and one or two black cross-bars on the belly behind it. - - The SHHS is a group of venomous reptile keepers educating the public about venomous snakes and lizards. It is India ’s good snake, a valuable exterminator of rats and mice. This species can adapt to a range of habitats, including both natural and anthropogenically-modified environments. (non-venomous, very common) with a cobra due to great similarity in looks. Feb 23, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Sky. At dawn and dusk, hungry cobras begin to move and look for a good spot to hunt for their meal. Habitat Monocled cobras are distributed from India in the west through to China, Vietnam and Cambodia. The monocled cobra is equally at home in a wide variety of places: forest and shrub areas, as well as plantations, rice fields, pastures, villages and cities. They also occur in agricultural land and human settlements including cities. An Indian cobra has a pattern on its hood resembling a pair of spectacles. These cobras are generally quite well-known in their native land, and they're the main species that was used by traditional snake charmers. Monocled cobras are terrestrial creatures. Diet and Habitat 5. Habitat/behaviour: Naja kaouthia is a ground dwelling snake in the flat country, which can however climb and swim very well. They prefer habitats associated with water, such as paddy fields, swamps, and mangroves, but can also be found in grasslands, shrublands, and forests. They are very fast strikers. [7], Monocled cobras tend to have more than one cuneate scale on each side. Cobra home. Monocellate cobra: Length: Up to 31 inches: Color: Brownish black: Distribution: India, China, Vietnam and Cambodia; also found on the Malay Peninsula and are native to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, Thailand: Habitat: Prefers habitats associated to water including paddy fields, swamps, and mangroves: Diet: Amphibians, small mammals, snakes and fish Naja kaouthia Venomous and Deadly! The monocled cobra is equally at home in a wide variety of places: forest and shrub areas, as well as plantations, rice fields, pastures, villages and cities. They can go for days or even months without eating, depending on how large their last meal was. Habitat: Forests. English name: Monocled Cobra (aka “Monocellate Cobra”) Scientific name: Naja kaouthia Thai name: Ngu Hao Mo Description: To 150 cm long. Their head is elliptical in shape and slightly distinct from the neck with medium sized eyes with round pupils, a short rounded snout with large nostrils. The monocled cobra is often used by snake charmers. These cobras prefer habitats associated with water, such as paddy fields, swamps, and mangroves, but can also be found in grasslands, shrublands, and forests. The dangerously venomous Monocled Cobra (Naja kaouthia) occurs in Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, northeastern India , Thailand (in wetter areas), northern Malaysia, Cambodia, southern Laos and southern Vietnam, and southwestern China (Sichuan, Yunnan). It occupies a range of … The forest cobra bites are not very common, but they can prove fatal if they are bitten. The rest of the belly is usually the same color as the back, but paler. Monocled cobra. Share. If the predator comes too near, the snake will spring forward and bite the attacker. They are often found in tree holes and areas where rodents are plentiful. This species should not be confused with the Monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia), which has similar habitat, size and appearance. These cobras can adapt to a wide area of habitats. However, in some countries, these snakes are harvested for the skin trade, food and for use in traditional medicine. The monocled cobra is widespread across Southeast and South Asia. The YouTube-user for Venom Central presents you a Monocled Cobra 101, and shows you how to breed, feed, and not at least take care of cobras, particularly Monocled Cobras. Monocled Cobra Naja kaouthia The Monocled Cobra are farmed for their magnificent hood, which they flatten out when threatened to display a circular eye-like marking. The monocled cobra is equally at home in a wide variety of places: forest and shrub areas, as well as plantations, rice fields, pastures, villages and cities. Habitat: Found in a wide range of habitats, including grassland, scrubland, forest, rice paddies, swamps, and agricultural land. WikiMatrix In 1831, René Lesson first described the monocled cobra as a beautiful snake that is distinct from the spectacled cobra, with 188 ventral scales and 53 pairs of caudal scales. It is a great swimmer and can also be seen in water bodies. I really wanted to see a snake charmer while in India and Varanasi was the only place I saw this. Jacob Queen Date: February 11, 2021 The monocled cobra is often used by snake charmers.. Their preferred habitat includes paddy fields, swamps, and mangroves, but they are also found in grasslands, shrubs and bushes generally found around Sahapur . These cobras can adapt to a range of habitats, from natural to anthropogenically impacted environments. Cobras belonging to genus other than Naja do not have the characteristics of ‘true cobras’. India's north-east and Odisha regions are known for its wide distribution where it is found commonly. Monocle cobra have Neuro toxic venom affecting nerves, brain, and causing death very quickly without treatment. The King Cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah), listed as vulnerable, due to loss of habitat and over exploitation for medicinal purposes, is the world (Image credit: Bosse Jonsson) Habitat The monocled cobra has an O-shaped, or monocellate hood pattern, unlike that of the Indian cobra which has the "spectacle" pattern (2 circular ocelli connected by a curved line) on the rear of its hood. This, combined with their natural habitat of living in rural areas, makes them a threat to humans. Habitat: The monocled cobra has an O-shaped, or monocellate hood pattern, unlike that of the Indian cobra. Albino monocled cobra on the loose near L.A. The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world. A monocled cobra varies distinctly from an Indian cobra due to this feature. Philippine Cobra (Naja philippinensis) Average Size: 3.3 to 5.2 feet (1 to 1.5 meters) Geographical … According to Cobras by Sylvia A. Johnson (Lerner, 2006), cobras typically live in hot, tropical areas but are also found in savannahs, grasslands, forests and farming areas in Africa and Southern Asia. The Monocled Cobra may be brown, yellow, grey, blackish, or albino, with or without banded markings. Usually stays under cover during the day. Most adult monocled cobras average between 3 ft (1 m) and 5 ft (1.5 m) in length but they are known to grow up to 7.5 ft (2.3 m). The large monocled cobra hunts for rats, fish, and other snakes in the woodlands, swamps, and paddy (rice) fields of central and southern Asia. In Southeast Asia, cobra (Naja sp.) Head is large. Some populations of the Monocled cobra have the ability to spit venom. According to IUCN, the Monocled cobra is locally common and widespread throughout its range but no overall population estimate is available. Even if the bite is a small one, a nick, or a scrape, ... I’m guessing King Cobra. Eating out. Monocled cobras play an important role in their ecosystem. Monocled Cobras are distributed from India in the west through to China, Vietnam and Cambodia, also occurs in the Malay Peninsula and is native to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and Thailand. They are also found on the Malay Peninsula and are native to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and Thailand. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The snake's slow metabolism makes this possible. The San Diego Zoo cares for Sri Lankan spectacled cobras, a red spitting cobra, and a king cobra. Usually not aggressive but occasionally fierce. In addition, it binds to heparin with high affinity, interacts with Kv channel-interacting protein 1 (KCNIP1) in a calcium-independent manner, and binds to integrin alpha-V/beta-3 (ITGAV/ITGB3) with moderate affinity. Naja kaouthia – Monocled Cobra in habitat No doubt, the Monocled Cobra, Naja kaouthia is one of Thailand’s most charismatic species, and at the same time one … They prefer habitats associated with water, such as, swamps, and mangroves, but can also be found in grasslands, shrublands, and forests. 7ft Habitat: Found mainly in/around agricultural fields, near water- source. An Indian cobra is also named as binocellate or spectacled cobra. These snakes lead a solitary life and are most active at dusk. These mighty snakes live in Africa and Asia, preferring savannas, open woodlands, plains, and rocky hillsides. The baby monocled cobras are … Conservation Status: Not-threatened. When a predator approaches, a cobra raises its head and hisses in warning. Monocled cobras don't face major threats at present. The monocled cobra, which is also known by the name Naja kaouthia, is a poisonous snake from India. Coloration in the young is more constant. Updated on: September 4, 2014 / 8:23 AM / CBS/AP Officials warn residents if they see the snake, do not try to capture or go near it . The monocled cobra, which is also known by the name Naja kaouthia, is a poisonous snake from India.These cobras are generally quite well-known in their native land, and they're the main species that was used by traditional snake charmers. The easiest way to identify a king cobra is the much larger head. Monocled cobra is a highly venomous snake with neurotoxins and the full grown specimen rescued here can kill an adult human within an hour. The YouTube-user for Venom Central presents you a Monocled Cobra 101, and shows you how to breed, feed, and not at least take care of cobras, particularly Monocled Cobras. Another easy way is that any cobra over 3 meters – is a king cobra. Young Monocled cobras may be yellow, brown, gray, or blackish in color, with or without ragged or clearly defined cross bands. Head raised. Diet/Feeding: Rats, frogs, birds, bird eggs, rodents, fishes and lizards. 4ft, max. Monocled cobras are medium-sized and heavy-bodied snakes with elongated cervical ribs that expand to form the typical hood when they feel threatened.​ Usually, these cobras prefer to flee, but if threatened they will raise their body, spread their hood and hiss loudly, and will eventually strike and bite to defend themselves. Monocled Cobra on The IUCN Red List site -,, Feb 23, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Sky. Tweet; Description: A snake charmer's cobra. which has a "spectacle" pattern, formed by the two circular ocelli connected by a curved line. In December 2014, a "rescued" white monocled cobra made her debut at the Zoo's Klauber-Shaw Reptile House. Monocled cobra. Monocled cobras are carnivores. Length: Youngs, 10-15 inches Adults, avg. In rice-growing areas, they hide in rodent burrows in the dykes between fields and have become semi-aquatic in this type of habitat. As age advances, the snake becomes paler, wherein the adult is brownish or olivaceous. Fangs of Monocled cobras are moderately adapted for spitting. They are often found in tree holes and areas where rodents are plentiful. Monocled Cobra. Monocled Cobra (0.47 mg per kg) The monocled cobra is widespread across Southeast and South Asia. Keywords Venom gland transcriptomics, Naja kaouthia, Monocled cobra, Three-finger toxins, Toxin sequence, Snake venom, Geographical variation ... encroaching of human activities into the habitat of venomous snakes (Jamaiah et al., 2006). Monocled cobras can inhabit a wide range of habitats, including grassland, forest, scrubland, and in or around human-inhabited areas. In rice-growing areas, they hide in rodent burrows in the dykes between fields and have become semi-aquatic in this type of habitat. Habitat/behaviour: Naja kaouthia is a ground dwelling snake in the flat country, which can however climb and swim very well. Monocled cobras are oviparous and egg-laying usually takes place from January through March. The species prefers habitats associated with water, such as swamps, mangroves and paddy fields, but these snakes can also be found in forests, grasslands, and shrublands. See more ideas about reptiles and amphibians, beautiful snakes, reptile snakes. The monocled cobras are terrestrial snakes that feed on small mammals, snakes, amphibians, and other reptiles. The Monocled Cobra (Naja kaouthia) is a venomous snake, and a reptile.It has an O-shaped monocellate hood pattern, which is different from the spectacled pattern of the Indian Cobra. They like to spend time underground, under rocks and in trees. The monocled cobras are terrestrial snakes that feed on small mammals, snakes, amphibians, and other reptiles. It prefers habitats associated with water, such as paddy fields, swamps, and mangroves, but can also be found in grasslands, jungle, open fields, shrublands, and forests. 1 2 Snake venomics of monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia) and 3 investigation of human IgG response against venom toxins 4 5 Andreas H. Laustsen1, José María Gutiérrez2, Brian Lohse1, Arne R. Rasmussen3, 6 Julián Fernández2, Christina Milbo1,4, Bruno Lomonte2 7 8 1 Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The snakes when threatened get ready to strike to defend themselves. Monocled cobras are terrestrial and most active at dusk and in the evening. In rice-growing areas, they hide in rodent burrows in the dykes between fields and have become semi-aquatic in this type of habitat. I heard the story direct from a woman which … Continue reading Monocled Cobras – Venomous – Very Deadly → Naja kaouthia. In 1834, John Edward Gray published Thomas Hardwicke’s first illustration of a monocled cobra under the trinomial Naja tripudians var. However, when threatened they will raise the anterior portions of their bodies, spread their hood, usually hiss loudly, and strike in an attempt to bite and defend themselves. , long-lived snake if its requirements are met. the elongated nuchal ribs enable a cobra its... Charmer 's cobra 's board `` monocled cobra is the largest venomous with. A great swimmer and can also be seen in water bodies of Asia. The venom of the monocled cobra has an O-shaped, monocled cobra habitat blackish, or... Around 55 to 73 days and during this time the females usually stay with snake! In/Around agricultural fields, near water- source a cobra raises its monocled cobra habitat and hisses in warning cobra a! 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