- Kozhamkulova Zh.Zh., Samidinova A.A.
Scientific basis of forming a strategy of growth of the grain industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan 59-62
- Kabilbekov K.A., Ashirbayev H.A., Saidakhmetov P.A., Rustemova K.Z., Baidullaeva L.E.
Model of the form of computer laboratory work organization for research on diffraction of light 71-76
- Kuralbayev Z.K., Taurbekova A.A.
Study of the problem of releasing of dome raising of surface of the earth's crust 77-79
- Kctbylbekov K.A., Ashirbayev H.A., Takibayeva G.A., Saparbayeva Е.М., Baidullaeva L.E., Adineeva S.I.
Model of form of computer laboratory work organization on research of movement of the charged particles in magnetic field and mass spectrometer work 80-86
- Zhokhov A.L., SaidakhmetovP.A., NurullayevM.A., Serimbetova A.E., Khozhayeva G.T.
About the problem of development of theory and practice of students' knowledge control organisation at physics lessons 87-91
- Altynbekov K.D., Yestemessov Z.A., Barvinov А. V., Burkitbaev А.К.
Development of technology for dental gypsum obtaining 92-98
Topical issues of legal education in Kazakhstan 99-101
- Ayupova Z.K., Kussainov D.U.
To the origins of the spiritual roots of the Kazakh national idea 102-108
- Turekulova D.M., Zhumanova B.K., Syrlybayeva N.Sh., Tastanbekova K.N., Shamuratova N.B.
Realization industrial politicians Kazakhstan: scientific approach 109-114
- ToleshovD.K., KokenovaА.Т., ImanbayevA.A.
Improvement of innovative activity of communication of the enterprise in production pricing formation 115-119
- Shamuratova N.B., Tastanbekova K.N., Turekulova D.M., Zhumanova B.K., Syrlybayeva N.Sh.
Prerequisites of common principles and rules on competition in the customs union and the united economic space 120-126
- Ishpekbayev Zh.E., Zhampeisova K.K. , Khan N.N. , Kaliyeva S.I., Sholpankulova G.K., Bekbenbetova K.
Outcomes of education of the Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai 127-141
Comparison of standarts of ecological state law - EAEC members 142-146
- Zhatkanbayeva А.Е., Alibayeva G.A.
On the classification of information with limited access 147-153
Value concepts of «quality of life» and «standard of living» in the definition of a healthy lifestyle 154-159
- GusevM.A., Akopova E.A., Salykhbayeva A.T.
Problems of perfection of private ownership right on agricultural land 160-164
To the 80th anniversary of Dyachkov Boris Aleksandrovich